Tuesday 13 May 2014

La Luna - Moon Project

The first part of my Moon Project, these are just experiments to get warmed up and used to photoshop. I am really looking forward to this and hopefully will be able to get some sold. Keep an eye out :) xxx

Blogging is hard...

So I haven't blogged in a while but I have been on the Tumblr  bandwagon, so check me out here > http://tessnash.tumblr.com/

Also I have been busy and in the time I haven't blogged I have had my first ever job in the real world, which I hated, I have had three boyfriends, I have nearly passed my driving test, made a whole load of new friends, made peace with a few old friends, just started a new job, had my first art exhibition and have another one lined up around Christmas time which is brilliant. So all in all a pretty busy few months. :P

I have a whole backload of work to post now, so that should keep me busy for a while, hope everyone enjoys it :) xxx