Saturday 29 June 2013

Dreamcatchers :)

 Making a dream catcher - pretty simple and fun to do :)
For the metal hoop I used an old bracelet, so this one was quite small but sturdy ;)

Friday 21 June 2013

Hand made sketchbook

Here are a few pages from a sketchbook I made, based on the Stroud Valleys where I live :)

Thursday 20 June 2013

An experiment in Photoshop

These are a few examples of the experimental stage of my Final Piece for college. They are a few of my favourites and am very proud of them as I think they turned out very well :)

Butterflies...again! :)

Just a few of my favourite butterflies :) The Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, the Red Admiral, the Swallowtail, and the Monarch, (in case you were wondering) ;)

Latest Oil Painting

This is a quick picture of my latest painting, just finished it! :D I decided to do something for pure enjoyment after finishing college, and this is the result :)

Final Piece Exhibition :)

This was my piece in the Stroud College Art show; it was a huge success and had a lot of publicity! :) My Final Project was a series of etchings with accompanying texts, based on stories from my friends and family about their experiences in life. Some were inspiring, such as travelling the world, parenthood, while some were more upsetting; parents divorcing, anorexia and abandonment. All the images are based on true events, which I feel makes them more powerful as a piece. Hope you like it :) I'll be putting up close-ups of each one soon! :)