Sunday 10 February 2013

Drawing Day sketch

This is my most recent sketch, and although a cutlery drawer isn't the most inspiring thing to draw I am happy with the result. :) I drew this because of the 'Drawing Days' we have at college which help us build up our portfolio's, learn new techniques and refine our drawing skills. The original photocopy is below.

Thursday 7 February 2013

More doodles

Doodling in my cath kidston notebook :) Again using extra-fine pens and cross hatching.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Final Design and Close Ups :)

This was the design I chose to make into a screen print, it was actually one of my first ideas but experimentation is a vital process!! ;) The design was enlarged up to A1 size, printed onto acetate paper and then exposed onto a screen.

Screen Printing Design Ideas

 These are my original ideas for a screen print based on objects we considered to be 'Indispensable'. A few of my objects represent friends and family, but others are just things that I literally couldn't be without :D I drew them using 0.5mm fine liners and used the cross-hatching technique. Thank god for photoshop, otherwise I'd never have made this many design ideas in such a short amount of time :)

Tuesday 5 February 2013


To be honest this was just a doodle in my sketch book... college was boring that day ;)


This was the title page for the illustration project for my Foundation Course. Pencils again :)

My attempt at using oil paints :)

This was my first attempt at an oil painting I did over the school holidays. I'm really happy with how it turned out, as it was quite a large canvas and getting the oils the right consistency was really tricky! I don't usually use colour either so this was a difficult piece for me to get right :)

More birds :)

 I made these wire birds as an experiment for my final piece but also because they were so fun to make :) They were inspired by both Celia Smith and Laura Antebi and their amazing wire creations which are far more detailed and professional than mine :)

Another sketch...

Another sketch using graphite pencils on A4 paper, this was part of my A Level project about movement and flight.

Sunday 3 February 2013


I can't believe how bad I am at blogging! Anyways here's my charcoal drawing of a crow in flight. This piece was inspired by Etienne Muybridge and his photographs depicting movement. I drew this from my own photos of a single birds flight path.