Sunday 25 March 2012

Palipio butterflies

Okay so maybe I'll give up on the whole 'blog a day' thing ;)

These are two of the pictures I took for my exam, and I know they aren't great photos but I just love the colour in the wings, they're both so bright and vibrant :)

Thursday 22 March 2012

Birds and butterflies :)

Forgot to post yesterday, such a busy day! Oh well I'll just post twice as much to make up for it ;)


This is my Escher-inspired interim piece for Art, since my theme was movement and looking at how birds fly I thought Escher was a good way to go. 
This was so stressful for me to make because Escher is crazy-good at what he did I just felt so insignificant compared to him... 

This is my water colour butterfly which isn't great but is just to bulk out the development part for my exam sketchbook. The theme I chose was 'concentric' but I'm focusing on butterflies because I think they're so pretty and delicate.

I also found this amazing artist who makes butterflies out of recycled beer cans. Check him out his stuff is pretty awesome :)

Paul Villinski

Tuesday 20 March 2012

First day of Spring :)

Spring is here! :) hopefully the good old English weather will brighten up and we'll actually have summer this year...

Monday 19 March 2012

The picture quality isn't great on this one as it was just a quick snap of my drawing which started as a doodle :) I love drawing on cardboard, its so nice to draw on as the texture is just so different to paper.
I'm also gonna try my best to post a new blog every day so long as I don't forget! 

Sunday 18 March 2012

First ever blog!

This is my pastel drawing of a peacock butterfly for my A Level art project which I am very happy with. :) Since this is my first ever blog I figured I would start with something I'm proud of and just see where it takes me